Indian Medical Association
Tamilnadu Branch
Indian Medical Association is the only representative, national voluntary organisation of Doctors of Modern Scientific System of Medicine, which looks after the interest of doctors as well as the well being of the community at large.
Update Advance Medical
To promote and advance medical and allied sciences in all their different branches and to promote the improvement of public health and medical education in India
Fully Configurable
To maintain the honour and dignity and to uphold the interest of the medical profession and to promote co-operation amongst the members.
To work for the abolition of compartmentalism in medical education, medical services and registration in the country and this to achieve equality among all members of the profession.
Join Indian Medical Association
Tamilnadu branch
Through Creativity, Integrity & Innovation Contact us with me
Board Members

Attur& P.O, Salem – 636 102
Phone: 04282 – 240156
Mobile: 94432 23456, 96777 22547

101/67, Karunanidhi Nagar,
Trichy Road, Behind Sungam,
Coimbatore – 641 045.
Mobile: 94432 56147

Munsif Street,
Gobichettipalayam – 638452
77085 45554,
The Medical Practitioners of India tried to come together to protect the future of Medicine and Health in the country and their interest. Two conferences were held in Bombay and Calcutta, before 1895, which more or less academic in nature and dominated by official influence.
Goodbye “Dr. Know-It-All”: Medicine’s Liberating Knowledge Explosion
The digitization and globalization of medical information is overwhelming traditional medical practices. Physicians confront a continuous avalanche of medical discoveries on disease origins, symptoms and treatments. By 2020, medical knowledge will double every 73 days.
Welcome to Indian medical association
Tamilnadu Branch
The Indian Medical Association (IMA) Tamilnadu is a voluntary organization, representing the entire spectrum of the modern allopathic medicine and its specialties in our State. The organization was started in the year 1940, by a band of dedicated doctors whoever deeply committed in upholding the dignity of the medical profession and also in the improvement of the quality of the medical service to the people of Tamilnadu especially to the poor.
The doctors hailing from Chennai City, (formerly Madras) and from the rural districts of Tiruchirappalli, Coimbatore, Vellore, Salem and Tirunelveli, took an active part in building up the Tamilnadu IMA. Several State Presidents and Secretaries of IMA TNSB belonged to these districts.

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